
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember 1, 2019

Random words about marriage

When I just found some beautiful words from an account of Instagram and need to re-write it all for my #selfnote and maybe it can be inspired random people that read my blog. Here we go! "We look forward to getting married because we are excited to have someone in our life that will keep us steadfast on the the deen and bring us closer to Allah. Someone that will increase us in piety and learn alongside us. But the responsibilities after marriage and endless and time runs short in the day. The time to learn about your deen, the time to improve yourself, the time to develop piety is before you're married. When your responsibilities are strictly to yourself  and your development. I'm not saying you won't develop further after marriage, because you most certainly will. But how can you expect to marry a person that will increase you in piety when such a person probably expects a spouse that has already reached a level of piety from which they feel they can learn f