
Sometimes we have lost sight of our purpose in life, no longer is our focus and goal in life to please & worship Allah. Along with rampant materialism, our lives are plagued with hedonism (where pleasure & satisfying one’s desires is the sole aim of human life) & apathy. Statements like YOLO (You Only Live Once), encourage us to ‘have as much fun as possible’. Endless entertainment is making us apathetic to the condition of our souls and the plight and suffering of humanity

“Reflect and act before you will come to regret. Do not be deceived by the dunyā, for its healthy will become sick; its new will wear out; its blessings will end, and its youth will age.” (Fuayl bin ʿIyāḍ).

The love of the world (dunyā) is one of the major reasons for the weakness of our īmān. Success in todays materialistic society is defined by how rich or famous you are. Despite our beautiful dīn having laid down the yardstick for success, we still buy into the corrupt dominant narrative. We strive hard to accumulate the riches of the dunyā, be it clothes or cars, luxury homes or the latest gadgets. Enjoying such luxuries is not wrong nor is it a sin, however, it can develop into a wrong if it becomes our purpose in life. The Messenger of Allah said, “Every ummah has a fitnah (trial), and the fitnah of my ummah is wealth” (Tirmidhī).

“There is no life & no peace for the hearts unless they become deeply aware of their Creator, Lord & God through His Names, Attributes & Actions; & through this process (of getting to know Him), He becomes more beloved to them than everything else.” - (Ibn Abī al-ʿIzz al-anafī)

May Allah always save us from fitnah in dunya and guide us on the straight path ‘till the end of time. Aamiin

(Re-typing this beautiful nasihah from account (at)alifewithallah on Twitter)

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