
Dreams come true



Sometimes we have lost sight of our purpose in life, no longer is our focus and goal in life to please & worship Allah. Along with rampant materialism, our lives are plagued with hedonism (where pleasure & satisfying one’s desires is the sole aim of human life) & apathy . Statements like YOLO (You Only Live Once), encourage us to ‘have as much fun as possible’. Endless entertainment is making us apathetic to the condition of our souls and the plight and suffering of humanity “Reflect and act before you will come to regret. Do not be deceived by the duny ā , for its healthy will become sick; its new will wear out; its blessings will end, and its youth will age.” (Fu ḍ ayl bin ΚΏ Iy āḍ ). The love of the world (duny ā ) is one of the major reasons for the weakness of our Δ« m ā n. Success in today ’ s materialistic society is defined by how ‘ rich ’ or ‘ famous ’ you are. Despite our beautiful d Δ« n having laid down the yardstick for success, we still buy into

Makan di Tebet, Jakarta


Just Keep Going!

Though there are so many words to say I'll simply leave it at this. What a journey through good, hard, and beautiful moments that I will never forget for these 3 months past. Each of them has shaped me into the person that I am today. I am someone who still learning, but is more certain about what matters and what I need. I'm grateful for every single (not good) surprise and lesson along the way. I will always try my best to take the beautiful and the painful experience as my strength and let it all make me into the very best me that I can be for myself and others.  Life isn't about feeling happy in every moment. Life is about balance. It's about good times and hard times. It's about anticipation and excitement, fear and worries. Life is all about the whole spectrum of emotions. Remind myself that trying to feel happy in every moment, that isn't what life is about. Feel every emotion. Live life, live every feeling. Live in the moment whether you are joyful, sad,

Gedung Sarinah Jakarta


Common Grounds

The more you try and control outward matters, the more control you lose of yourself inwardly. The balance you try and maintain of matters outside, causes imbalance within you. One thing that you must accept in order to find peace is that you cannot control every matter around you. You have control over yourself, over your actions, your decisions the way that you react and respond. You can control how you perceive situations and how far you allow those perceptions to impact you - but you cannot change the matter itself. Sometimes, you will be faced with situations that you do not want, simply can't comprehend, and want to reverse. The truth is, life puts you in places of uncertainty and disrupts the balance that you had envisioned. Some matters - no matter how bad they seem outwardly - come to guide you, to re-route your journey, and to help you filter your own limitations and the limitations that are placed by people around you. Keep your intentions pure, keep your hear